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The Importance Of Your Resume

The importance of a well-written Professional Resume cannot be stressed enough. A Resume is a medium for advertising yourself; it’s the first means in which you present yourself as a job applicant and claim that you are the best candidate to a prospective employer. Utilizing a Resume Writing Service can help ensure your resume effectively highlights your qualifications and experience.

Remember, though, that a Professional Resume is always an evolving document, improving over time during your career, so keep modifying and improving on it after its first draft. Keep different versions with you as you move forward in your chosen career. Engaging with a Resume Writing Service ensures you are always presenting an updated and polished version of your qualifications.

Did you know that, on average, an employer or recruiter takes only 8-10 seconds to screen your Resume and Job Application Cover Letter Writing before considering whether to shortlist you for a pre-screen telephone interview? Sometimes it can be even less. That is not a lot of time to create a first impression on paper. Just like professionals invest in a mortgage broker when purchasing property or a real estate agent when selling a home, why not hire a Cover Letter Writing expert to help you secure the perfect role? Investing in expert help ensures your job application stands out and addresses the key selection criteria of the role and the company culture.

You spend the most hours of each week working full-time sharing your ideas and plans with a group of people at work, so why would it not be important to invest in your job application to that perfect role?

Individuals often spend a considerable amount of time focusing on what needs to be in the Resume rather than how it is written. Both are equally important. The tone of voice and how a Professional Resume is written in terms of the style, font, layout and language is the difference between your job application to a great role you would like to apply for getting shortlisted or not.

You must always address the key selection criteria for the role that you are applying for. In my opinion each Resume should be tweaked for every job application to ensure the key selection criteria and core skills required plus culture and team fit is covered and you that you have done your research on a role, the responsibilities and of course the business itself.

Your Professional Resume needs to be factually accurate, including dates of employment, education completed, job titles, and skills possessed in each role demonstrating your growth as a professional in each individual role. The writing in your Resume should be concise, succinct, and to the point. Use of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be in your tone of writing. A Resume should reflect who you are and your professional experiences. This does not mean it should be laden with unnecessary graphics or inappropriate personal information about you; it means you should feel comfortable using it to represent yourself as a suitable professional for the right role. The color of the wording needs to be black and only black. Resumes do get disregarded when all sorts of color and style of font are used upon them; it really does look so unprofessional and is extremely unnecessary.

Your Resume should be visually appealing and also attractive to the eye. Make sure it is neat, organized, and consistent and has a list of your successful achievements and responsibilities and skills used in each role. You’re Resume and the style and the way it is organised should be relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, you may need to make adjustments to your Resume when applying for a position as an Accountant versus a position as a Telecommunications or IT Project Manager. Make sure you do have the skills they are seeking; otherwise it is a wasted application and time for both you and the employer.

When you submit your professionally written Resume for a suitable position, you will want to have a tailored Cover Letter to accompany it. A well-crafted and professionally presented Cover Letter may make the difference between getting a job interview and having your application ignored, so it makes sense to take the time to write a thoughtful and tailored professional Cover Letter for each individual job application. However only do this for direct job applications as most Cover Letters via Recruitment Agencies tend to be ignored.

If you’d like help or advice on your job search, updating your current Professional LinkedIn Profile, and assistance in re-writing your current Professional Resume, Interview tips, or any other Career matter, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line for a confidential discussion.

Wondering why you should hire an experienced Resume Writing Service as part of your career transition process? Here are some facts and figures about resumes and the job application process.

A recruiter often spends no more than 30 seconds taking a cursory first glance at a resume. As a result, the resume must be concise, accurate, and relevant. It is a reflection of how effective your communication skills are.

During economic downturns, competition for jobs increases. “Free” resume templates and “home-made” documents do NOT help you stand out among the competition.

A job transition can last for months!! Can you afford that amount of time? It has been proven a professional resume can decrease the time spent in job transition by helping you stand out compared to the other candidates applying for the same position. Without a strong and concise Cover Letter Writing, some recruiters will not bother reviewing the actual resume.

A recruiter often reviews a resume using specific screening parameters (i.e. keywords extracted from the job description). Some companies use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to “scan” an electronic resume, searching for the inclusion of predefined keywords. Without those keywords in the resume, your document will be rejected, thereby ending the job application process.

A Resume Serves Two Purposes: For The Candidate, It Is A Marketing Tool; For The Employer, It Is A Screening Tool.

A professionally crafted resume can address these facts by being rich with key words pertinent to the position/field you are applying for, capture the reader’s attention, stir desire, and generate action — an interview!

If you are currently seeking a new job, having a professionally written resume will help you stand out from the competition and be noticed by Hiring Managers. A correctly written and presented resume is essential in your quest for success.

Don’t Risk Missing Out On Your Dream Job. Trust The Experts To Assist You In Creating A Powerful First Impression That Will Get You Noticed By Hiring Managers.

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The History of Resumes


The history of the résumé is a long and winding road. As any job seeker soon finds out, the recommendations on what to include, what to exclude and how to present your résumé are constantly debated. The trends come and go like the seasons, but one thing is certain: job seekers today have immense opportunity to experiment with résumé options, and it all began over 500 years ago.

The great Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci created the first known résumé in 1482. In a written submission to the Duke of Milan, da Vinci cited a numbered list of his qualifications, including his innovative wartime skills in creating new kinds of bridges, mortars, chariots, catapults, heavy artillery and more. In times of peace, he claimed, he could make fine artistic sculptures and paintings. The translation is quite fascinating to read in its entirety.