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Career coach Satish Mistry is well-equipped to help job seekers in today’s competitive, challenging, and ever-changing employment market. Satish has recently completed the Certified Professional Career Coach program (CPCC), a certification of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC) earning the CPCC credential, enhancing his professional expertise and contributions to the career coaching industry.

Satish Mistry Earns Industry Gold-Standard Career Coaching Credential!

Career coach Satish Mistry is well-equipped to help job seekers in today’s competitive, challenging, and ever-changing employment market. Satish has recently completed the Certified Professional Career Coach program (CPCC), a certification of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC) earning the CPCC credential, enhancing his professional expertise and contributions to the career coaching industry.

Individuals who hold the CPCC span a wide range of professionals from the career services industry and include independent and organizational career coaches, career counselors (and Social Work professionals and PhDs), military and government career transition specialists, university and college career services professionals, résumé writers, outplacement professionals, human resources and organizational development professionals, staffing and workforce management professionals including one-stop centers, recruiters, executive coaches, company managers, and others who work in the career management services industry from across the globe.

Below are the most common topics for which clients request Career Coaching:

  • 30-60-90-Day Plans for New Position
  • Accomplishment & Achievement Story Writing
  • Behavioral Interviews
  • Budgeting
  • Career Planning
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Elevator Pitch (Tell me about yourself?)
  • Entrepreneurship / Consulting / Setting up a business
  • Goal Setting
  • Interview Preparation
  • Interview Questions to Expect & Ask
  • Job Search Strategy Beyond Job Boards
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Networking Tools
  • Salary Negotiation
  • Video Interviews
  • Writing Career Documents/Portfolio

Top 5 Reasons to Engage a Career Coach

Managing your own career Management campaign and action plan is hard work. You may have heard the adage: “It takes a full-time job to find a job.” Building a career management portfolio and launching a career management campaign can be challenging. However, building a career management portfolio and launching a career management campaign alongside a Certified Professional Career Coach makes the job search process much easier, calmer, and even exciting. Below are five reasons to engage a Certified Professional Career Coach:

Career Management Tools

Certified Professional Career Coaches (CPCC) and Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW) coach you to develop the tools needed to prepare a career management action plan. Tools may include a professionally developed resume, LinkedIn profile and other written career management documents; interview preparation; salary negotiations; onboarding; networking, and more.

A Competitive Edge

(Ahead of potentially hundreds of other applicants): Career Coaches know how to ask the right questions and guide you in your quest for a good fit job. They are familiar with career trends, and they understand what recruiters, hiring managers, and Applicant Tracking Systems are looking for in resumes. Career Coaches know that the longer you are unemployed, the more money long-term you are losing in salary, retirement funds, investments, social security, and more.


Career Coaches will keep you accountable in your job search. They will put you on a program to identify your goals, motivations, and values, and map those goals to target jobs. Certified Professional Career Coaches will help you identify your strengths and gaps, and leverage strengths during the job search and address gaps. Career Coaches will keep you on track for researching jobs and opportunities, networking, and more. They partner with you throughout the launch of your career management action plan; Career Coaches become your confidant and Chief Motivational Officer (CMO).


Job search can be challenging. It can be discouraging. Even though I have never actually seen a You are Rejected stamp on an email or top of a resume application, most applicants feel “rejected” when they learn they are not selected for an interview, or a position, after conducting an interview. Career Coaches will coach you to understand the value you offer a potential employer, and turn that value into value accomplishment statements on your resume, during the interview process, and throughout networking. Career Coaches will help you mine and define the positive impact you offered your previous employers, packaged for potential new employers. A jack-of-all-trades resume is not beneficial to an employer or recruiter and does not provide value.


A CPCC completed the comprehensive Certified Professional Career Coach program, a certification of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC). CPCCs study coaching competencies, and job search and career management from A to Z. CPCCs have the backing, support, and resources of the membership of PARW/CC and other CPCCs via LI groups and the association.
Just like you go to the doctor when you are sick or the auto mechanic when your car breaks down, consider working with a career coach to manage your career. “By collaborating with a Certified a Professional Career Coach (CPCC), you will pinpoint direction and create career management solutions to land employment quicker and more smoothly than going it alone,” says Diane Hudson, Director, CPCC program.